Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 3 Update

Well day 1 and 2 were relatively easy. I enjoyed feeling energised from all of the vegetable and fruit juices but today I woke up feeling really really low and lacking in drive. I don't even feel thirsty, and not feeling like eating food or drinking anything. I thought after the first few days things would be easy, but I wasn't prepared for this.
I feel really lethargic - not sleepy tired, but physically weak and without energy.
I weighed  myself this morning and I have lost 1.2kg (2.6 pounds since the morning of day 1. I am still feeling a little bloated too.
On a positive note, yesterday (day 2) I woke up with less back pain, and again today I woke up with virtually no back pain. I imagine something in my diet causes the inflammation in my back, and as I haven't been eating that 'something' the inflammation isn't happening. I'm suspicious that the problem is grains but not sure I am comfortable with permanently removing all grains from my diet. I could comfortable remove wheat and easily find suitable replacements but taking out all grains (including legumes) would be quite restrictive and my aim is to change habits for the long term with changes that are realistic and sustainable.
The juicing has taught me a few things; 1) as good as beetroot juice is (nutritionally) I am so not a fan. It has a distinctive taste, similar to dirt and is quite off putting. 2) juicing creates a shit load of waste product. 3) juicing is messy and time consuming - whoever thinks juicing will take less time than actually cooking food is in for a big shock!
As tough as today feels, I will not give up. I am officially half way through my 5 day challenge and hope to see it out. I just have so much stuff to do around home and no motivation or energy to do it. I guess I should have chosen a time to start this journey when I wasn't so bound by time and facing one of the busiest weeks of my year so far.
I'm off to take a quick nap then have another juice ... or maybe I'll have the juice first or by the time I wake up I will be too weak to make the juice :-)

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The First

Day 1 of Journey to Energy
I made my 1st youtube video today – inspired by Ajay. I felt it was important to document my journey because although I am not doing this in order to write a book I think it is important to track my progress and have something to look back on. Of course there will be loads of rambling and irrelevant information, but it is easier than getting the words written down and also becomes an honest and raw look at where I’m at physically and emotionally. I have never wanted to capture my image on camera (video or still) before and to do so without any make up and looking like shit is a real achievement for me. Knowing that someone could see it is a bit scary – but it is unlikely anyone will even find it.
I started the day with my normal lemon drink – juice of half a lemon, half a cup of coconut water and half a cup of warm water. I then had my 1st juice and felt really hungry. The juices sometimes make me hungrier than before I had them and this is something I am going to need to watch. I did have a Loving Earth macqui berry chocolate – but the ingredients are all raw, organic and they have no sugar. I’m currently onto my 2nd juice and feeling quite positive.